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Ternyata Ikan Go Fishing Nyata Adanya!

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Sobat suka bermain game Go Fishing di Facebook? nahh... ternyata ikan-ikan yang pernah kita dapatkan apabila memancing tersebut banar adanya, pentingnya lagi ternyata ikan-ikan tersebut diambang PUNAH. Berikut Tentang nama-nama ikan tersebut dan darimana asal negaranya yang saya kutip dari blog cyborgrizki.wordpress.com. CekidoT!!

10. Dog Eating Catfish:
jaman dulu ikan ini dipancing orang dengan menggunakan daging anjing karenanya namanya “Dog Eating Catfish”

9. Giant Carp:
dulu ikan ini banyak ditemukan di sungai mae klong, thailand (sungai mekong) tapi ikan berbobot 600 pon ini adalah salah satu ikan yang hilang begitu cepat di asia tenggara

8. White Sturgeon:
ikan ini hidup lebih lama dari dinosaurus dan sudah sulit untuk bertahan hidup di populasi yang berada di laut pasifik bagian barat daya dan di kanada

7. Freshwater Sawfish:
ikan ini sering disebut campuran antara ikan hiu dan gergaji. Ikan ini terancam punah karena seringkali moncongnya yang berbentuk gergaji itu tersangkut di jaring nelayan

6. Giant Stingray:
ikan pari-pari ini adalah salah satu ikan air tawar yang terbesar dan paling berbahaya yang pernah ada. Walaupun begitu, ikan ini mudah dilatih seperti anjing laut dan lumba-lumba.

5. Pirarucu:
ikan amazon ini adalah salah satu ikan air tawar yang terbesar yang pernah ada! ada di seaworld ancol deh kalo ga salah

4. Mekong Giant Catfish:
walaupun pernah dijuluki ikan terbesar air tawar yang pernah ada, ikan ini terlihat seperti sedih setiap saat. mungkin karena populasinya menurun hingga 90% !

3. Bagarius Yarrelli:
sering juga disebut “River Yeti” atau yeti yang berada di sungai. ikan ini diceritakan oleh warga sekitar kalau pernah memakan manusia!

2. Alligator Gar:
terkadang dipanggil “ikan terjelek di amerika utara” ikan ini seperti buaya dengan ekor ikan. ikan ini hanya memakan ikan lain yang besarnya sebesar mulutnya sendiri. di Februari 2007 ikan ini ditemukan di dekat wilayah Jakarta sebesar 1.5m setelah Jakarta terkena banjir (menurut wikipedia) ternyata ikan juga pilih-pilih makanan kayak anak kecil.

1. Chinese Paddlefish:

berikut fotonya kalo di lihat dari jarak dekat, jangan diomelin ya....

Nahhh, semoga bermanfaat buat pencinta game Go Fishing.. Salam, salam...

Share Ikan Aneh Go Fishing

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

bagi teman-teman yang suka memancing di Game Facebook Go Fishing silahkan untuk meng'share ikan aneh yang teman-teman dapat dengan mengklick gambar dibawah :

Semoga bisa menjadikan motifasi teman-teman yang suka game Go Fishing Facebook untuk mendapatkan ikan yang aneh dari game Go Fishing. 

Berikut gambar yang saya kutip dari teman memancing di Go Fishing bernama Katycha Zena :

Soo.... Pilih yang mana ???? Share dech di sana... Salam, salam.............

Meski Beracun Ikan ini digemari di Jepang

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Pernahkah anda ingin mencoba memakan Ikan Beracun ini? Ya Si Kulit Keras Beracun, BUNTAL. Tahukah Anda di Jepang Ikan ini menjadi favorit ikan lezat yang ditampilkan sebagai menu spesial di resto-resto terkemuka.

Setiap tahunnya banyak orang di Jepang yang dirawat di rumah sakit setelah memakan ikan buntal, terkadang risikonya sangat fatal. Meskipun dampak bahaya yang ditimbulkan telah jelas, aturan ketat untuk menyediakan ikan lezat tapi beracun itu masih sangat kurang.

Para pecinta ikan buntal mengatakan bahwa sensasi saat daging ikan buntal masuk mulut, yang, disebabkan oleh racun saraf yang terkandung di dalamnya, adalah bagian dari daya tariknya.

Mereka tidak peduli bahwa mati rasa yang diciptakan dapat berkembang menjadi masalah kelumpuhan dan pernapasan.

Lembaga Administrasi Obat dan Makanan Amerika Serikat, menyatakan bahwa mengonsumsinya dapat berakibat fatal dalam empat hingga enam jam, dan “para korban, meskipun benar-benar lumpuh, mungkin sadar dan dalam beberapa kasus benar-benar baik hingga sesaat sebelum kematian.”

Pengunjung restoran Shigekazu Suzuki, dapat makan dengan tenang ketika mereka memilih ikan buntal, yang diambil dari tangki di dekat dapur.

Suzuki adalah salah satu dari koki ekslusif di Tokyo yang telah menjalani pelatihan khusus dan mengantongi lisensi, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengolah ikan berpotensi fatal tersebut, yang dikenal sebagai fugu di Jepang.

"Tidak mudah bagi orang-orang tidak berlisensi untuk membersihkan fugu,” kata Suzuki di cabangnya “Torafugu-tei” di Ginza, saat ia membersihkan racun yang ada di organ dalam dari ikan yang dibunuh dengan pisau tajamnya.

“Aku belum makan potongan-potongan ini karena aku takut,” katanya, mencengkeram bagian ovarium yang berwarna kuning cerah, salah satu bagian beracun dari ikan itu dan melemparkannya ke dalam panci logam tertutup.

Legend of Mermaid

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

The story of the mermaid princess is now universal, global, and not belong to a region or country alone. Many people from different countries to create a mermaid princess characters of the present or the past according to his imagination. Famous Greek legend tells that the mermaid is Thessalonica daughter, sister of Alexander the Great who turned into mermaids after death. He is a life after death as a mermaid princess in the Aegean sea, and always ask the fate of her sister.
He only asks one thing when there are sailors passing. Believe?

Inilah Magic dari Ikan Pelati Pedang

Apakah anda pernah melihat ikan ini ?

Ikan ini bercirikan belakang dan sirip ekor relatif lebar. Dalam sifat asli ikan liar memiliki warna coklat zaitun dasar pucat. Kembali cerah hijau dengan kaperakan perut. Tubuhnya dilalui oleh warna merah dan hitam pada batang ekor. Mata pedang memiliki warna hitam dengan bagian tengah, merah muda merah kuning, atau. Dilihat dari warna, tidak ada perbedaan antara ikan jantan dan betina. Badanya warna asli tentu saja sekarang sulit di rinci lagi, karena banyak jenis-jenis baru yang muncul. Seperti ikan malas, Plati pedang juga diminati banyak orang karena mereka dapat dengan mudah dikembangbiakkan dan menghasilkan keturunan. Selain itu juga mudah untuk menikah dari salib sehingga menghasilkan keturunan Yang terkadang lebih cantik dari induknya.

Dibawah ini merupakan cuplikan video dari ikan ini :

source : here

Bagaimana? Menarik bukan..... Salam, salam... 

Red Albino Sword Tail

Type this one all over his body covered with blood red color. Really solid without any other hue. Which is characterized by a special albino red pupils. This species is ever to win the Champion in the open class in the category of sword tail.


That good tuch his sword tail...

Cupang Bicolour (Dualcolour)

Fantastic color of betta fish two. This type of betta fish was once a king betta fish, before the discovery of another type. This type has two solid colors, 
which is a solid color on the body and different solid color on the fins and tail. Some examples of this type of hickey :

Interested to see directly? click here

Indonesian Golden Arwana

Is verietas of golden arowana and is often referred to as the Golden Arowana Indonesia (Indonesian Golden Arowana). This variety is found in the Manila area, Sumatra. Unlike the Cross Back Golden (CBG), the gold color on this verietas will not grow up through the back but it will only reach the fourth row of scales (counted from the bottom row of scales, abdomen), or better able to reach the fifth row. Like verietas cross back, basic color scales could RTG blue, green, or gold. Similarly, lip color, tail, and fins, these two varieties have a very similar keragaan. Young RTG has a color more dull than the varieties cross back young.

RTG may be said to be more resilient than the CBG can grow larger, and also more aggressive. The numbers in nature relatively more than the CBG, nevertheless remains a CITES protected varieties.

CBG glance similar to golden red arowana fish originating from our country. Very striking differences can be seen if the size of the fish is quite large with a size of 20 cm more. At CBG gold color covers the entire body down to the back of the fish is covered by a golden ring. While the golden red (RTG) was not back. golden colored but still black (gray).

Distinguishing CBG and RTG on the small size (10-12 cm) is difficult and necessary prudence. The price difference is also very striking. Price CBG size of 12 cm appreciated more than 10 million, the size range 20-25 cm 15-25 million. Golden red measuring 12 cm valued 2 million, while the size of 20-25 cm valued 2.5-3.5 million.

I Like U Arowana.... Amazing.... 

Arwana ohhhh Arowana... U are The Best!

Arowana is a tough fish that can live up to half a century. High demand with limited availability of natural causes in the exploitation of nature is limited. CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) stipulates that the Asian Arowana fish as the fish that got the highest protection.
Arowana are included in the group of primitive fish. A variety of fish fossils are found in various places and allegedly aged between 10 -60 million years (depending on the species and its place). They have evolved over more than 10 million years, so this fish is a fish that may be said to be durable and long-lived. Arowana fish classified in the family ancestor, namely Osteoglasidae or families of fish (bony tongues), because the bottom mouth of the bone that serves as a tooth. Arowana thinking about a variety of nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Barramundi, Saratoga, Pla Tapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.

As an ancient fish, arowana has the form and appearance beautiful and unique. His body elongated, slender, and while the pool is very graceful movements. In the wild arowana had varied hues of green, silver, red. Two grouse seemed protruding from his lower lip. This grouse serve as vibration sensors to determine the position of prey at the water surface. The tentacle akuaris include this in the beauty of fish assessment criteria are concerned.

Arowana is a large fish and sometimes aggressive, so not everyone is interested in maintaining arowana. With its large size aquariums required a larger size than the size of a standard aquarium. Arowana have a potentially high growth rate, especially when fed high protein. In akuairum Arowana can grow up to about 60 cm, whereas in the wild can reach 90 cm more, even on a specific type can reach 270 cm (arowana of South American origin).

Arowana fish is a top swimmer, betuk his mouth very clearly shows this. In nature they usually swim near the surface, and hunt their prey of insects. Therefore arowana feeding is not a difficult thing for us to know that they are surface feeders. In general arowana not include voters in terms of food, they can receive any kind of feed for carnivorous fish, but often they are so very fond of one type of feed only, and reject the other types.Arowana fish is a jumper, in nature they can catch insects perched on a twig diketingian 1-2 meters from the water surface. Therefore need to be considered to cover the aquarium well if you want to maintain it in an aquarium.Arowana including arguably resistant to attack various penyakit.Akan but they are sensitive to changes in water quality, especially on elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.


Very'veryy... amazing...

Super Red Arowana The Silence

Red arowana originated from various places in the province of West Kalimantan, such as from Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum known as the habitat of the Super Red (Chili and Blood Red). These waters is an area of ​​peat swamp forest which creates a primitive environment for these ancient fish. 
But the conditions of mineral, water environment peat (black water), and an adequate amount of food reserves has conditioned a good influence on the evolution of color on the fish in question. Geographical influence also led to the creation of different variations of the morphology of these fish, such as a wider body, the head of a spoon-shaped, red warnah more intensive, and color dasaryang more concentrated.

Full red color appears on young fish fins, on the lips and tentacles. Nearly mature, the red color will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the gill cover and the rim of scales, so that the fish looks red.
Red arowana are grouped in four varieties, namely Blood Red (Blood Red), Red Chili (Chili Red), Red Orange (Orange Red), and Red Gold (Golden Red). The four varieties are generally given the nickname Super Red or Red Grade One (First Grade Red), although in its development refers to the Super Red Chilli Red and Blood Red. While the last two varieties are more often considered as a super red with a lower grade.

I'm so proud of you Ohh Arowana... But You??

Cupang is Solid Color

What is a Betta one color? I will explain reffrensinya.. see ya, he... he. This is a betta fish one color, which also means the body and fins have the same color. 
This type of single-color betta fish are hard to find because in reality most of the hickey has a stain (another color) on the body. Because of its rarity, this type of betta fish has a fairly high sales value as an ornamental fish hickey.

Reffrensi following example:

Wuihh.... not pretty... Amazing.

quoted from: http://jeniscupang.blogspot.com

The Tail of Pride

Betta (Betta sp.) Is a freshwater fish native habitat are some countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. This fish has a unique shape and character and tend to be aggressive in defending its territory. Among fans, fish hickey is generally divided into three categories, namely ornamental hickey, hickey complaints, and wild hickey.

Betta fish are one of the strong fish survive for a long time so that when the fish is placed in a container with a volume of water slightly and without any air circulation equipment (aerator), these fish can still survive.


Betta fish have a collection?

Well Known Spicies Ypes of Oranda Fish

  •  Red White oranda
Oranda with red and white in his body ... treatment of the same color with red oranda just use red food coloring to white.. it must be observed intensity should not be excessive because of the risk makes the pattern of wide red and white sections megotori.. cessation of feed additives can be stopped if the red color has reached the desired results..
Some hobbyists use wheat germ pellets to keep the white color to keep clean.. 

  • White Oranda
Oranda with a full white color all over his body and fins ... If you are fed dyes, likely to cause red blotches so not full of white anymore.
  • Green Oranda (wild color)
Oranda is blackish-green or gray. In the goldfish with a genetic red, red and white, and black, the color green is the color that has not mutated. One time the color will be mutated according to the original color of these genetic mutations ... time is difficult to predict, there is a mutation of a small ad that also after the new jumbo mutations.
For the green color of the marriage or calico calico calico x x black, mostly green color will not change. This green color is called wild.
  • Black Oranda
Oranda has a black color all over his body. To distinguish the color blackgold, the bottom / chest oranda black body white, black gold is yellow.
  • Calcio Oranda

Calico or known by the five colors. This color pattern usually consists of a mix of black, red, yellow, white, and bluish black color which can be either spotted or "jamming block". Goldfish with this color have scales or scales transparent cherry type is the type of scales are not shiny and looks like no scales.
Although the five colors, there are also of this type that does not fully have five colors on its body. Details on this will be explained on the naming warna2 goldfish are more specific.
  • Blue Oranda

This is one color that is unique and quite rare. Actually the blue here is not really blue but the color is gray or silver and most of these colors combined with copper brown color. This blue color can be said permanent because almost certainly will not mutate again.
However there are also some cases of this color change to red and white where the silver to white and part brown to red.

  • Oranda Demikin (BARONGSAY)

Oranda with prominent eyes (dragoneyes). Got there in Jakarta, and then disappear suddenly. The black (black oranda demekin) nicknamed Bulldog.


It's amazing. You have a collection Oranda? share it ...

Fish Black Gold Oranda

Oranda has a black and red / orange / yellow / gold on his body ... the naming of the black gold is used for a goldfish that has scales the color black gold metallic ... also called apache (less tau country that popularized this title, maybe thailand or singapore).
Usually this color is a process of mutation of the red oranda unfinished ... starts turning green and dark yellow color usually appears from the lower abdomen up to the top ...
If this process takes place in fish that have large (senior, jumbo) it will last a long time so that the black color will last ...
Hybrid of black red X can also produce color is black gold.
There are several ways that the trust can retain the black color with sunlight, water pemkaian with relatively low temperatures, clear water, the water is relatively high pH (7-8), non-feed use of color enhancers.

How do you respond?

This is Dutch or Oranda?

Who is not familiar with this fish .. Oranda goldfish or a cool name. Oranda goldfish is the type most widely variant. With a crest on its head this fish a lot of fans. Not know, actually the name derived from the pronunciation of the name ORANDA Holland, a country that brought this to the Japanese goldfish. Most fish are colored Red and White probably meant more to the meaning of our national flag, he ... he. Greetings .. greetings. 
Briefly I will describe some of its variants.


Cute and adorable instead of ... I like it.

Diskus King of Freshwater Fish

This fish is called as the king of freshwater fish, 

this fish is actually a peacemaker and fish can be mixed with some fish of a kind lain. Aquarium subttrat will look great with sand and water plants, and we must keep the water in the aquarium to remain clean and clear, the fish is suitable at temperatures ranging from 26-30 degrees celcius. Fish also includes fish that come out at night just like the Black Ghost. Here are the types of fish disc, for the discus fish collector.

Snake Skin

Red Ribbon

Red Pigeon

Red Malrboro

Pearl Pigeon

Gold Diamond

Angel Blue Diamond

Interested? Please buy in a store decoration fish, he ... he. Regards ...
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