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The Fantastic from China & Japan

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

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Goldfish is one type of fish displays are very popular, Many fans kind of goldfish because he saw his strange and hard to describe so many people say as fantastic! Goldfish include the slow movement of fish in the aquarium so often the victims of the butt of other fish.

Actual type of the original goldfish goldfish are not as attractive as we know day to day. Goldfish shapes not essentially different from ordinary goldfish. Its appeal lies only in the bright red color that extends from the base of the tail to the neck.

However, the overall shape and the color does not differ with goldfish in general. Goldfish is called by the name of goldfish. And, in an aquarium, a goldfish looks so lovely as her name goldfish (carp).

And, most interesting feature of this type of goldfish is a form of strain that much different from the original goldfish. Until now, the country China has many strains produced new strains of this goldfish.

Even a Chinese scientist, namely Shisan Chen said that till now there are about 126 new strains that really other than the original. And, it is in China and Japan are two of the country's most industrious creating new strains of various kinds of fish.

The following are the types :

Bubble Eye/Suihogan Goldfish

Unique species of goldfish that comes from China these have eyes pointing upwards and two large sacs filled with fluid, this fish also do not have a fin on his back, goldfish can grow 6 -8 inches.

Ranchu Goldfish

Goldfish with unusual appearance is referred to as the "king of goldfish" by the Japanese. Ranchu is the result of cross-mating experiments differ from these Cina. Fish ga Lionhead has fins on, and have lots of colors like orange, red, white, red-and-white, blue, black, black-and-white, black-and -ed, Fish with pale yellow bodies and red heads are very rare and scarce.

Butterfly tail/Jikin Goldfish

Beautiful and adorable but rare, Jikin believed to be from Japan. The most striking feature is the tail that has a butterfly shape X. I've got to have the typical long, cigar-shaped or torpedo. White body with the lips, fins and gills Red. Can grow to 9 inches. Other names are the tail Peacock and Rokuri.

Telescope Eye/Demekin Goldfish

These species have eyes that esar and unique, this variation is red, red and white, calico, black and white, brown, blue, lavender, brown-and-blue and black colors. They may also sometimes have scales metalik. big eyes, poor eyesight and better not mixed an aquarium with other types of agile and placed in akurium without any Lanci.

Oranda Goldfish

Oranda, unique goldfish from China and Japan, characterized by a hood like a raspberry head. Goldfish is very famous throughout the world, and had a bear body with 4 long tail.

Celestial Eye/Choten gan Goldfish

One of the odd goldfish from China and Korea. Goldfish eye is like a telescope eye goldfish, but leading up fish's body is shaped like a torpedo, and no fins on.

Ryukin Golfish

Brightly colored goldfish and interesting of Japan is a fin that size 2 times its body length, snout too pointy and crooked back. Ryukin have colors like maroon, red and white, white, metallic and color belacu.di good aquarium care of these fish can reach up to 8 inches or 21 cm. Another nickname is Ribbontail Japan, Fringetail, Fantail or Veiltail.

Chinsurin/Pearlscale Goldfish

Goldfish this one punysa scales speckled spots and colored pearls, comes from Japan and were called Chinsurin.

Wooow interesting is not it ... Anyone have any other collections? please shared ... regards
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